How do Heat Pump Hot Water Systems Work:
It’s simple yet ingenious! The iStore 180L and 270L Energy Storage Hot Water System works by drawing in air through its high-powered fan, which contains heat energy, across its evaporator. The evaporator then turns the liquid refrigerant into a gas, following which the compressor pressurises the refrigerant into a hot gas.
The gas inside the condenser coil heats the water inside the coil-wrapped tank. The refrigerant then reverts to a liquid after heating the water and continues to the evaporator for the process to begin all over again. The cycle continues until the target temperature is achieved.
Some very cool features about the product’s design are:
It’s highly economical: this intelligent product can operate in four different modes, depending on your needs and situations, including a hybrid mode when you need to heat extra rooms, such as for when guests stay over, as well as a vacation mode when you might be away from home for holidays.
Optimal design: the external wrap-around heating coil delivers maximum thermal energy transfer, so it efficiently reaches your desired temperature for supreme comfort.
Easy to install: Link Plumbing can install this product for you quickly, easily, and effectively, for you to begin using your new system immediately.
Low-consumption: the iStore 270L consumes approx. 1kW of power during the air-to-energy process which can equate to the average household running cycle of 3-4 hours = 3 – 4kW of total power. The iStore 180L consumes 0.5 kW of power during the air-to-energy process equating to the average household running cycle of 3-4 hours = 1.5 – 2 kW of total power.
Money & energy savings: for the average Australian household, a large portion of their overall energy consumption comes from utilising about 30% heat. The iStore will save you hundreds when you switch while saving the planet, too!
For example, if your household consumes around 200L per day over one-year using electric storage, you’ll likely be spending around $1320 per year. With PV generation offset, the iStore hot water system can vastly minimise this cost by reducing it to $42. Those are massive savings!
Conversion of 400% of Green Energy!
As thermal energy is captured from the surrounding air and is used to heat the tank water, its smart technology can store 4 kW of heat energy for every 1 kW of power consumed. That equates to a massive 400% transformation of green energy that you can use for your household’s hot water needs while lowering your greenhouse carbon emissions!
Here’s an example of how you can continue to save with the iStore product!
A family of 5 installed an iStore Air-to-Energy system and saved $212.64 on their November 2018 energy bill. They then added solar panels with their iStore and saved $444.44 on their February energy bill!
You can save up to 74% on your energy consumption compared to electronic storage!
Key Benefits of the iStore 180L Air-to-Energy system
- Highly energy efficient
- Government incentives are available
- Generates year-round hot water
- Environmentally friendly
- Suitable for narrow areas
- User-friendly electronic controller
- Further savings benefits with pre-existing solar power system
You can save up to 74% on your energy consumption compared to electronic storage!
Use renewable energy without the need for solar panels!
For more information on the iStore system in each size, download the iStore product brochure today! For more details on this product, as well as purchasing, installation costs and servicing, give Link Plumbing a call today and chat with one of our expert technicians.